I've always wondered why I haven't joined the throngs of "soccer moms". This morning I discovered why. Apparently the words "soccer" and "sleeping" mix like oil and water. Especially on Saturday mornings. For the rest of the YEAR. All the Aspie's games from here on out are on Saturday mornings at 9am. And it appears that when we registered our daughter for a soccer team (a team specifically for kids with special needs) what we were really saying was, "We're tired of lolly-gagging around on Saturday mornings; eating a leisurely breakfast and doing Saturday-type-things at our own pace. What we really want is to be ejected out of bed by 7:30am, work up an aerobic-like sweat prying #1 child from his bed, pack up the kids, and then load up the Suburban with lawn chairs and blankets in order to go sit outside for a couple of hours.
So far what I've learned this morning is that not only do the parents not get any sleep, the Aspie doesn't either (I know, I know, tell you something you DON'T know already). She's reported that she's been up since 2am, and dressed in her soccer regalia since 4, at which time she came into our bedroom and slept with us till 7. Oh good, she's had a whopping four, maybe five whole hours of non-REM sleep. This is going to be a fun day.
Post Soccer Game Notes:
Grade for The Day: A+ DP had a GREAT time. She ran her little legs off for the full hour of the game and she had a great attitude, despite the fact that her team (the green team) was out numbered by the other team (the blue team) two-to-one. She even scored a goal (although you couldn't tell it by her completely blank post-goal facial expression). She seemed to REALLY enjoy herself and her teammates were all very nice, as were all the parents on the sidelines, even when my child caught the throw-in with her hands (we all laughed).
What I learned today: My daughter (our daughter) really DOES belong on the special needs team. On so many levels. And that's okay. In fact, it's better than okay, it's where she truly fits, and that's a great thing! After all, isn't what we all want for our kids is for them to find their place in the world where they can feel accepted for who they truly are so they can truly shine? Ya, I think so.
So for the next two and a half months I'll be happy to buck-up so the Green Machine can shine.